Within the airsoft community, different types of camouflage are used primarily for tactical purposes, such as enhancing the player's stealth, concealment, and overall effectiveness on the battlefield. Here are some benefits of different types of camo in airsoft:
Woodland Camouflage: Woodland camouflage is one of the most popular types of camo used in airsoft. It's designed to blend in with forested areas, making it an ideal choice for players who prefer to play in wooded environments. The benefits of woodland camo include increased stealth, reduced visibility, and improved ability to blend in with the surrounding foliage.
Desert Camouflage: Desert camouflage is designed to blend in with arid, sandy environments, making it an excellent choice for players who prefer to play in desert or urban environments. The benefits of desert camo include increased stealth, reduced visibility, and improved ability to blend in with the surrounding terrain.
Urban Camouflage: Urban camouflage is designed to blend in with urban environments, such as city streets, buildings, and alleys. It's an ideal choice for players who prefer to play in urban or CQB (close quarters battle) settings. The benefits of urban camo include increased stealth, reduced visibility, and improved ability to blend in with the surrounding environment.
Snow Camouflage: Snow camouflage is designed to blend in with snowy environments, making it an ideal choice for players who prefer to play in winter conditions. The benefits of snow camo include increased stealth, reduced visibility, and improved ability to blend in with the surrounding snow and ice.
In summary, the benefits of different types of camo within the airsoft community include enhanced stealth, reduced visibility, and improved ability to blend in with the surrounding environment, which can ultimately lead to improved effectiveness and success on the battlefield.

One of the grandfathers of camouflage.
First used by the United Kingdom it quickly influenced other countries like Belgium and France (the Lizard pattern) to do their own versions of this pattern in the 1950s and 1960s.
You will still find it in use in countries like Pakistan or Zimbabwe (which inherited it from Rhodesia).

Officially called “Six Colour Desert”, it became widely known because of the First US Gulf War, just like the subtler version “Three Colour Desert”.
It became so popular it is still in use by various Middle Eastern countries in different variations

Digital is not necessarily pixelated camouflage – a wide misconception! In fact, digital patterns are those which are computer and algorithm based.
There have been pixelated patterns long before Canada started issuing pixelated uniforms in the late 1990s.
The USMC followed this example and created MARPAT in 2001. But while CADPAT or MARPAT might be digitally designed, so are Vegetato, Multicam etc.
These are a few of the camo patterns that you may see out on the field but not all inclusive by no means.